This may sound confusing to you, because on aviation sectionals you only see three concentric circles over the airport, and in your case they aren’t even circles.but understand the sectional is only two dimensional, airspace is 3 Dimensional.those three circles or geographic shapes in 3D look sort of like an upside down wedding cake starting at THE SURFACE, GETTING LARGER AS IT GOES UP.In Altitude.If however you live under that innermost section of the upside down wedding sir best get licensed FAA Part 107.
Helicopter traffic is often allowed to fly under the stated levels because of their flight characteristics, ability to hover, etc. If you are out side the innermost wedding cake ring ( which starts at the earths surface) You actually have two airports in Orlando, one in which the center surface cake only goes to 1600’ MSL, then at Orlando International the centercake goes to 10000’ MSLthen the next outerring starts at various altitudes depending on orientation to airport of 900 to 2000’ MSL so there is some airspace to fly in there but you must understand the airspace to safety fly.and here is the big but. Get an aviation sectional for your area and understand that Class B airspac3 is an upside down wedding cake in shape.
Unfortunately you live under a major International Airports airspace. Click to expand.Airspace, airspace, airspace.